Pumpkins are the most famous of all the winter squashes, and are most associated with Halloween lanterns. Inside the hard orange or yellow skin, the bright orange flesh is sweet and honied. They are a particularly good source of fibre, as well as a range of vitamins and minerals. pumpkins can seem spooky in their Jack-o-lantern state, but don’t be fooled— they’re actually one of the most nutritious fruits out there. Loaded with antioxidants and disease-fighting vitamins, these gourds aren’t just for carving, making them a bonafide Greatist superfood. Go for pumpkins that feel heavy for their size, with a smooth, firm skin. Smaller pumpkins tend to have more flesh. As pumpkins have very tough skins, some hard graft is needed to get into them. Put the squash on a thick teatowel to keep it steady, then use a large strong knife to cut it in half. It can be heavy going, so work in sections until you reach the bottom. If the skin is particularly thick, you may need to hammer the knife in with a rolling pin. Once one side is cut, turn the pumpkin round and cut down on the other side, until it’s split in two. Scoop out the seeds and any stringy parts. If the pumpkin is particularly big, cut it into quarters then, using a small, sharp knife, pare off the skin (unless you plan to roast it, in which case the skin can stay on). Then cut into chunks or wedges as required.

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