Cabbages are from the brassica family and are one of the oldest vegetables known. Green cabbage is the most widely grown and are available all year round with a range of varieties ensuring a continuous supply. Drumhead is a popular variety with smooth compact leaves. Savoy has crinkly leaves with very good flavour Red cabbage is hard, tightly packed and crisp with dark red or crimson leaves. Traditionally they are cooked longer than green cabbages. Lemon juice, wine or vinegar can be added to preserve the red colour when cooked. They grow all year but are more plentiful in autumn and winter. Firm heads that are heavy for their size with an even colour and crisp outer leaves are the best. Cook for a short time until tender, but still slightly crisp. Serve as soon as possible after cooking. Raw shredded cabbage is the main ingredient of coleslaw. Use cabbage leaves, red or green, as a leaf wrapping, stuffed with a savoury filling and simmered in liquid until tender. Sauerkraut is a pickled cabbage dish.

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