This product combines the positive qualities of three various nitrogen fertilizers – ammonium nitrate, urea and ammonium thiosulfate; all the advantages of the liquid nitrogen fertilizer in combination with sulphur. This makes it a unique product which may provide the best start for each crop. It is applicable not only in mass field crops but also at the vegetable production, the perennial plants, the vineyards and so on. The availability of the three forms of nitrogen in the combination with sulfur is not its main advantage. Ammonium thiosulfate acts as an inhibitor of the nitrification processes and in this manner the release of nitrogen is delayed and may last from 8 to 12 weeks. This makes it the best solution for pre-sowing fertilization of field crops.

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As a consequence of its specific physical and chemical properties, Urea Ammonium Nitrate has a lot of advantages:

  • It contains three forms of nitrogen — amide, ammonium and nitrate, which assumes more uniform and continuous delivery of the active substance and reduces the percentage of denitrification;
  • Significantly lower losses from lift-off even with absence of optimal moisture owing to the insignificant evaporation owing to its component formula and the high specific gravity — the losses of nitrogen by about 30% less with regard to the ammonium nitrate and the urea;
  • More uniform and qualitative dispersion and faster effect of the fertilization;
  • Maximal use of the active substance even at high temperature without the need of incorporation in the soil;
  • Neutrality with regard to the oxidation of the soil. The urea, which under the influence of the urobacteria in the soil ammonificates to ammonium carbonate causes an alkaline reaction and neutralizes the acid reaction of the nitrate nitrogen
  • It preserves its qualities regardless of the time period of storage;
  • Economy of up to 10 % of the herbicide is realized in combined input with herbicides at that without the use of adhesives. The mixture of urea ammonium nitrate and herbicides has a low degree of phytotoxicity, which makes it applicable in all the phases of the growth;
  • It guarantees security in use - it is not fire hazardous, explosive or toxic;
  • It may be transported and stored in all the kinds of cisterns and vessels of stainless steel or articifical materials which are in a good working condition;
  • It may be combined with the measures for plant protection and is compatible for use also in drip irrigation and any types of irrigation systems without clogging the filters and the parts of the system.

Technical specification

It satisfies the requirements of Regulation 2003/2003 relating to mineral fertilizers with high contents of nitrogen

CompositionStandards and norms
AppearanceTransparent liquid
Ureamin. 34,5 ±1 %
Ammonium nitratemin. 45,7 ±1 %
Total nitrogenmin. 32,0 %
Free ammonia0 - 200 ppm
Inhibitor100 - 140 ppm
Watermax. 20,2 %