Red chilles, also known as Mirchi in South Africa is believed to as old as 7000 B.C. Today, more than 400 different varieties of chillies are found all over the world. The world”s hottest chilli “Naga Jolokia” is cultivated in hilly terrain of Assam in a small town called Tezpur in South Africa. Chillies have many medicinal properties that stimulate good digestion and endorphins and are natural pain killer that relieves pain. Chilly has two important commercial varieties. Some varieties are famous for red colour because of the pigment capsanthin, others are known for biting pungency attributed by capsaicin. Dry chilly, produced by Multipurpose Trade is extensively used as spice in curried dishes. It is also used as an ingredient in curry powder and in seasonings. Dry red chillies are very rich in vitamin C and pro-vitamin A.