Granular Urea, is a single-element fertilizer, that supplies the major essential element nitrogen in ammonic form (NH₄+). There are two forms of nitrogen that can be absorbed by plants and trees: NO3- and NH₄+. Granular urea is the richest source of Nitrogen (NH₄+). It is a cost-effective form of Nitrogen that can significantly reduce input costs. Granular urea is applied early in the growing season when soil is moist and temperatures are warm. Losses can be reduced by rapid incorporation of it into the soil by applying before rain and using low rate applications 40kg per ha. Urea requires moisture to work and should not be used on very dry land or during the summer months.

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Name of parameterB Grade
1. Nitrogen fraction of total mass on dry basise, %, not less46,2
2. Biuret (Ureido Formamide) fraction of total mass, %, no more1,4
3. Loose ammonia fraction of total mass, %, no more, for carbamide
– crystal
– prilled
4. Mass share of water, %, no more:
– Method of drying0.3
– Method Fishera0.5
5. Friability, %100
6. distribution of sizes, %:
– fraction of total mass of

granules with size, mm :

1 – 4, not less94
2 – 4, not less70
less than 1, not less3
6-mm sieve residue, no more6-mm sieve residue, no more
7. Static hardness of granules,

kgf/granule, not less
